Monday, November 02, 2020

AP Enhancement of one year service beyond the age of superannuation for both National and State Teacher Awardees who are still in service Kept in abeyance

AP School Education  Enhancement of one year service beyond the age of superannuation for both National and State Teacher Awardees who are still in service  Kept in abeyance Orders Issued as per Go.No 101

AP Enhancement of one year service beyond the age of superannuation for both National and State Teacher Awardees who are still in service  Kept in abeyance

In the reference 1st read above the Government have ordered for enhancement of one year service beyond the age of superannuation for both National and State Teacher Awardees who are still in service, if the National and State Teacher Awardee is physically and mentally fit at the time of grant of extension of service.

In the reference 2nd read above, the Director of School Education, A.P., Ibrahimpatnam has requested the Government to with draw the G.O.Ms.No.101, School Education (General) Department, Dated: 31.12.2018 which was issued without finance concurrence is leading to unnecessary legal complications. 

Further it was pointed out that no mechanism was put in place for determining whether a teacher is physically and mentally fit to grant of extension of service.

After careful examination of the matter, Government hereby keep the orders issued in the G.O.Ms.No.101, School Education (General) Department, dated: 31.12.2018 in abeyance, till further orders. 

The Director of School Education, A.P., Ibrahimpatnam shall take necessary further action in the matter, accordingly.

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AP Enhancement of one year service beyond the age of superannuation for both National and State Teacher Awardees who are still in service Kept in abe

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