Monday, October 12, 2020

Andhra Pradesh Teachers Transfers/Rationalization Norms Guidelines, 2020

Andhra Pradesh Teachers Transfers/ Rationalization Norms Guidelines, 2020 as per GO.MS.No 54/School Education The Andhra Pradesh Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Guidelines, 2020 - Issued as per G.O.MS.No. 54 Dated: 12-10-2020.

AP Teachers Transfers/ Rationalization Norms  Guidelines, 2020 as per GO.MS.No 54

Government is committed to provide free and compulsory Elementary Education to every child in the age group of 6 to 14 years in the vicinity of his / her neighbourhood under the Right to Education (RTE) Act, 2009. During the year 2019 - 2020, the enrollment of students in Government managed schools has increased many fold. There is a need to re-apportion the staff among schools and posts in Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools as there are some schools with higher enrollment of students vis-à-vis the sanctioned teaching posts and on the other hand there are some schools with less enrollment of students but with more than justified number of teacher posts. Government desires to ensure appropriate school / class level pupil-teacher ratio. Hence, Govt. have issued orders for re-apportionment of teachers based on the students strength vide 3rd read above. Government further felt that there is a need to regulate the staffing pattern by way of transfer of teachers in the above schools. 

2. Government have decided to frame guidelines relating to the transfers in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 78 and 99 of A.P. Education Act 1982 (Act 1 of 1982) and under Article 309 of the Constitution of India, in super-session of all the earlier guidelines on the transfer of teachers in order to facilitate and to regulate the transfers of Headmasters Grade-II and teachers working in Government / Z.P.P / M.P.P Schools in A.P School Education Service and A.P School Education 

Subordinate Services. 

3. Accordingly the D.S.E., has furnished the proposals to permit him to take up the transfers of teachers for the academic year, 2020 - 2021 and furnished the draft guidelines vide Lr.2nd read above. 

4. The D.S.E., shall take action to call for the applications for transfer of teachers through Online system and conduct Web counseling duly obtaining the options. 

Accordingly the DSE shall announce the time schedule which will layout all the and related documents, exercising of options, counseling, redressal of grievances, issue of orders, relief and joining of Head Masters / Teachers at their respective places. The Headmasters / Teachers shall submit their applications through Online system at the I.P address allotted for this purpose. For the purpose of transfers of teachers, assessment of teacher posts required in any school will be based on the UDISE / Child Info with cut off date as fixed by the Director of School Education. 

The D.S.E., A.P., shall be the competent authority to sort out the difficulties / issue of clarifications if any required, in this regard, for proper implementation of the above orders. Government is the competent authority to modify / amend the above guidelines, if required. The Department of School Education in Government shall be the competent authority to effect the transfer of the teachers, if required, on administrative grounds, irrespective of the above guidelines / framework and time schedule, during an academic calendar year. The work adjustment orders to shuffle the teachers shall be carried out by the Director of School Education, during an academic calendar year to ensure proper and optimum utilization of services of the Head Masters / Teachers working in the schools, wherever their services are required for the purpose of achieving the better academic performance of the schools. 

After careful consideration of the matter, the Government hereby makes the following Guidelines, regulating the transfers of the categories of Headmasters Gr.II Gazetted, School Assistants and S.G.T.s and their equivalent categories in the A.P. School Education Service and A.P. School Education Subordinate Service working in the Government Schools and Z.P.P. and MPP Schools in the State. 

The Director of School Education shall also take up transfers in DIETs. 

The Municipal Administration / Tribal Welfare Department may also issue necessary guidelines in this regard. 

The State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, A.P., shall take necessary steps in effecting transfers in Samagra Shiksha. 

This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (HR-I) Department vide 

their U.O. No:HROPDPP(TRPO)/2/2020 (C.No.1068673), dated 15.07.2020.

Get Download Teacher Transfers 2020 Complete Guidelines

Get Download Teacher Transfers Rationalization 2020 Complete Guidelines

AP Teachers Transfers/ Rationalization Norms Guidelines, 2020 as per GO.MS.No 54

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