AP Medical Reimbursement Claim of employees and Pensioners is permitted up to 31.07.2020 only Certain instructions/ AP Medical Reimbursement Claim of employees and Pensioners from the Districts – Certain instructions as per Memo No.FIN02-15064/25/2020-E SEC-DTA Date: 04/11/2020
AP Medical Reimbursement Claim of employees and Pensioners is permitted up to 31.07.2020 only Certain instructions
The attention of all the Deputy Directors of the District Treasuries in the state is invited to the reference cited. They are informed that vide G.O cited the Medical Reimbursement scheme facility is permitted up to 31.07.2020 only and no further orders have been received from the Govt.
AP Medical Reimbursement Claim of employees and Pensioners from the Districts is permitted up to 31.07.2020 only and no further orders have been received from the Govt
All the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in the state are therefore requested not to send the Medical Reimbursement Claims of the treatment period beyond 31.07.2020, as there is no extension order beyond 31.07.2020 to process the claims.
They are also requested to furnish Medical Reimbursement Claims beyond 31.07.2020 only after receipt of extension orders from the Govt.
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